Saturday, 4 February 2012

Labour's New Depth of Hypocracy

Will someone please tell Llanelli Labour that Labour is in Government  in the Welsh Assembly. They are NOT THE OPPOSITION! Labour reached a new low of hypocracy today. Is it any wonder people are cynical of politicians.
I thought Labour was in Government.

Who is that in the distance?

Is Keith Davies AM hands on or hands off. Who knows.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Another opportunity missed by Keith Davies A.M.

Last Wednesday 1st of Feb there was a debate in the National Assembly on Accident and Emergancy Units.
While the constituency AMs of Ceredigion & Pembrokeshire  are fighting for their respective Hospitals what does Llanelli's A.M. do? Complaining that ambulances are taking patients to Carmarthen RATHER THAN MORRISTON.
Shoudn't he be fighting for patients to be taken to Prionce Phillip  Hospital in Llanelli. whenever possible!

Keith Davies:
 "For some reason, perhaps
a financial one, more patients from Llanelli
are transferred to Glangwili General Hospital
than to Morriston Hospital, although
Morriston Hospital is closer. Should not
patients be taken to the closest appropriate
hospital and not to a hospital that is further
away just because it is in the local health
board area? I will be meeting the chair of the
ambulance service in Wales on Friday to
emphasise this. It is common sense to cut
down on the length of journeys to save
money. I will emphasise that on Friday."

Keith Davies yn colli cyfle arall

Ddydd Mercher diwethaf yr oedd dadl yn y Cynulliad ar Unedau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys. Tra yr oedd aelodau etholaethau Ceredigion a Phenfro yn gwneud ei gorau glas i ammddiffyn eu hunedau  beth mae aelod Llanelli yn ei wneud? Cwyno bod cleifion yn cael eu cludo i Gaerfyrddin yn hytrach na Threforys. Anhygoel.

Keith Davies:
"Fel rhan o’r rhaglen llywodraethu, bwriedir
datblygu rhaglen gwella’r gwasanaeth
ambiwlans i sicrhau ymateb cyflym i alwadau
pan fo cleifion yn wynebu afiechydon sy’n
golygu bod eu bywydau mewn perygl. Am
ryw reswm, efallai rheswm ariannol, mae
mwy o gleifion o Lanelli yn cael eu
trosglwyddo i Ysbyty Cyffredinol Glangwili
nag i Ysbyty Treforys, er bod Ysbyty
Treforys yn agosach. Oni ddylai cleifion cael
eu cludo i’r ysbyty addas agosaf ac nid i
ysbyty sy’n bellach i ffwrdd dim ond
oherwydd ei fod yn ardal y bwrdd iechyd
lleol? Byddaf yn cwrdd รข chadeirydd y
gwasanaeth ambiwlans yng Nghymru dydd
Gwener i bwysleisio hyn. Mae’n synnwyr
cyffredin i dorri i lawr ar hyd bob siwrne er
mwyn arbed arian. Byddaf yn pwysleisio
hynny dydd Gwener."

I ddilyn y ddadl i gyd:

Dadl Adrannau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys