Sunday, 19 August 2012

Teulu'r Beasleys

Mae'n siwr mai un o atgofion Eisteddfod Bro Morgannwg a fydd yn aros am yn hir iawn  fydd y babell wag oedd yn deyrnged anrhydeddus i Trefor ac Eileen Beasley. Diolch i Angharad am ei gweledigaeth.

Er y cafwyd gryn gyhoeddusrwydd yn y wasg a'r cyfryngau Cymraeg nid felly yn y Saesneg. Nid oedd gair am farwolaeth Eileen Beasley yn y Llanelli Star. Mae hyn yn codi cwetiwn arall. Mae hyn yn codi cwestiwn arall. tybed faint a ddysgir am Trefor ac Eileen Beasley yn ein hysgolion ni, hyd yn oed yn Llanelli.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Labour's New Depth of Hypocracy

Will someone please tell Llanelli Labour that Labour is in Government  in the Welsh Assembly. They are NOT THE OPPOSITION! Labour reached a new low of hypocracy today. Is it any wonder people are cynical of politicians.
I thought Labour was in Government.

Who is that in the distance?

Is Keith Davies AM hands on or hands off. Who knows.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Another opportunity missed by Keith Davies A.M.

Last Wednesday 1st of Feb there was a debate in the National Assembly on Accident and Emergancy Units.
While the constituency AMs of Ceredigion & Pembrokeshire  are fighting for their respective Hospitals what does Llanelli's A.M. do? Complaining that ambulances are taking patients to Carmarthen RATHER THAN MORRISTON.
Shoudn't he be fighting for patients to be taken to Prionce Phillip  Hospital in Llanelli. whenever possible!

Keith Davies:
 "For some reason, perhaps
a financial one, more patients from Llanelli
are transferred to Glangwili General Hospital
than to Morriston Hospital, although
Morriston Hospital is closer. Should not
patients be taken to the closest appropriate
hospital and not to a hospital that is further
away just because it is in the local health
board area? I will be meeting the chair of the
ambulance service in Wales on Friday to
emphasise this. It is common sense to cut
down on the length of journeys to save
money. I will emphasise that on Friday."

Keith Davies yn colli cyfle arall

Ddydd Mercher diwethaf yr oedd dadl yn y Cynulliad ar Unedau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys. Tra yr oedd aelodau etholaethau Ceredigion a Phenfro yn gwneud ei gorau glas i ammddiffyn eu hunedau  beth mae aelod Llanelli yn ei wneud? Cwyno bod cleifion yn cael eu cludo i Gaerfyrddin yn hytrach na Threforys. Anhygoel.

Keith Davies:
"Fel rhan o’r rhaglen llywodraethu, bwriedir
datblygu rhaglen gwella’r gwasanaeth
ambiwlans i sicrhau ymateb cyflym i alwadau
pan fo cleifion yn wynebu afiechydon sy’n
golygu bod eu bywydau mewn perygl. Am
ryw reswm, efallai rheswm ariannol, mae
mwy o gleifion o Lanelli yn cael eu
trosglwyddo i Ysbyty Cyffredinol Glangwili
nag i Ysbyty Treforys, er bod Ysbyty
Treforys yn agosach. Oni ddylai cleifion cael
eu cludo i’r ysbyty addas agosaf ac nid i
ysbyty sy’n bellach i ffwrdd dim ond
oherwydd ei fod yn ardal y bwrdd iechyd
lleol? Byddaf yn cwrdd â chadeirydd y
gwasanaeth ambiwlans yng Nghymru dydd
Gwener i bwysleisio hyn. Mae’n synnwyr
cyffredin i dorri i lawr ar hyd bob siwrne er
mwyn arbed arian. Byddaf yn pwysleisio
hynny dydd Gwener."

I ddilyn y ddadl i gyd:

Dadl Adrannau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys

Friday, 27 January 2012

New Llanelli Bus Station

As a result of pressure from your councillors improvements to the bus station have been promised by the County Council.
The seats will be made more usable  and safer.  improvement to the weather proofing  of the shelters will be done, and they will be extended to provide greater capacity.
Also the area will be well covered by CCTV.

 At town council meeting this week  assurances were asked that extra costs to correct errors would not fall  on the taxpayer.
Request was also made that the Bus Station be made mor friendly to the partially blind.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Would you like to be a member of the Hywel Dda Health Board!

Would you like to be a member of the Hywel Dda Health Board. If you do a copy of the advert is below.

You may apply  here.


Local Health Boards (LHBs) are responsible for planning, designing, developing and securing the delivery of primary, community, in-hospital care services, and where appropriate specialised services for the citizens in their respective areas to meet identified local needs within the national policy and standards framework set out by the Minister.
Independent Members for LHBs

Independent Members are expected to work with their Executive Directors to develop strategy, policy and ensure sound governance. In addition they are expected to bring an independent view to the Board to challenge as appropriate financial and service plans.

The vacant posts are as follows.

Ø     Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board (Band 4) - Community position
Ø     Hywel Dda Local Health Board (Band 3) - Community position

The Independent Members will be appointed for up to four (4) years and the post is based on a notional time commitment of a minimum of four (4) days per month, but this will be subject to organisational demands. They are eligible to receive a remuneration of £15,936 (Band 4) and £13,344 (Band 3) and per annum for 4 days per month.

We are particularly interested in hearing from under-represented groups such as women, disabled people and ethnic minority individuals.

For more information or to apply go to or for queries contact HR Helpdesk at the Welsh Government by e-mail:  or telephone: 029 2082 5454.

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 16 February 2011.   Please note that there is a separate application form for each position.  Please ensure you complete the correct one.  It is expected that the interviews will be held in the week beginning 19 March.

A large print, Braille or audio version of this advert can be obtained on request from 029 2082 5454.

Hoffech chi fod yn aelod o Fwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda!

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel dda yn hysbysebu am aelod o'r bwrdd. Dyma hi os oes diddordeb gyda chi.

I wneud y cais ewch i  Gwneud cais


Mae Byrddau Iechyd Lleol (BILlau) yn gyfrifol am gynllunio, dylunio, datblygu a sicrhau’r ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau gofal sylfaenol, gofal cymunedol a gofal mewn ysbytai a, lle bo hynny’n briodol, am wasanaethau arbenigol ar gyfer dinasyddion yn eu hardaloedd eu hunain, er mwyn bodloni'r anghenion lleol a nodwyd yn y fframwaith polisi a safonau cenedlaethol a bennwyd gan y Gweinidog.

Aelodau Annibynnol ar gyfer BILlau

Disgwylir i Aelodau Annibynnol weithio gyda'u Cyfarwyddwyr Gweithredol i ddatblygu strategaeth a pholisi a sicrhau llywodraethu cadarn. Hefyd disgwylir iddynt ddod â barn annibynnol i'r Bwrdd er mwyn herio fel y bo'n briodol gynlluniau ariannol a chynlluniau ar gyfer gwasanaethau.

Mae’r swyddi gwag fel a ganlyn.

Ø     Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg (Band 4) - penodiad cymunedol

Ø     Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Hywel Dda (Band 3) – penodiad cymunedol  

Penodir Aelodau Annibynnol am gyfnod o hyd at bedair (4) blynedd ac mae’r swydd yn gofyn am ymrwymiad tybiedig o bedwar (4) diwrnod y mis o leiaf, ond bydd hynny’n amodol ar ofynion y sefydliad. Maen nhw’n gymwys i dderbyn tâl cydnabyddiaeth o £15,936 (Band 4) ac £13,344 (Band 3) y flwyddyn am 4 diwrnod y mis.

Mae gennym ddiddordeb yn arbennig i glywed oddi wrth grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol megis menywod, pobl anabl ac unigolion o leiafrifoedd ethnig.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu i ymgeisio, ewch i neu i wneud ymholiadau, cysylltwch â'r Ddesg Gymorth Adnoddau Dynol yn Llywodraeth Cymru trwy e-bostio:  neu ffonio: 029 2082 5454.

Rhaid i ffurflenni cais ein cyrraedd erbyn 16 Chwefror 2012. Pwysig: mae i bob swydd ei ffurflen gais ei hunan. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn llenwi’r un gywir. Disgwylir i’r cyfweliadau gael eu cynnal yn yr wythnos yn dechrau 19 Mawrth.   

I gael fersiwn print bras, Braille neu sain o'r hysbyseb hon, ffoniwch 029 2082 5454.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Rally organised by Plaid Against Hospital Cuts

A selection of the crowd making their views know to First Minister carwyn Jones and Llanelli AM Keith Davies

Simon Thomas Plaid regional AM for Mid & West Wales with some protesters

And some mor still

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Developments at Prince Philip Totally Unacceptable

For several months now Plaid Cymru in Llanelli has been very concerned about the future prospects of Prince Philip Hospital and what the anticipated changes could mean to the people of our town. The announcement this week of the intended closure of a 20 bed acute medical ward, with only a two week consultation period has left people flabbergasted.

This is not a medically lead decision.  All the medical consultants within Prince Philip Hospital are unanimous in their opposition to this idea. 

Cllr Gwyneth Thomas said, “When I mentioned this decision to the First Minister Carwyn Jones during his visit to Llanelli on Thursday he looked genuinely surprised that it was happening and said that such a decision could not be made in this way.” 

Clearly due process is not being adhered to. Is this a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?  It doesn’t appear the First Minister is being ably assisted by our AM Keith Davies in this instance either.

Cllr Dyfrig Thomas said, “Increasingly it is becoming more and more of an administrative exercise without taking into account the nature of the area, its population density and its health care needs.

Llanelli has many health problems associated with poverty.  More and more people are living longer.  With stroke and heart attack patients time is of the essence in ensuring successful treatment. The population is also increasing locally as a result of all the property development.  The demand for acute medical care is likely to increase not diminish.”

Already many patients arriving for treatment at Prince Philip Hospital have to spend several hours, often overnight, in the A & E department because there are insufficient medical beds available to meet the demand.  Decisions like these further compromise patient welfare and increase the possibility of the lives of local people being put at risk.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Be more creative, AM urges Council – Yes Keith you are being very creative

Seems that Keith Davies A.M. has forgotten that Labour are part of the administration of Carmarthenshire County Council. He refers to an Independent-led Council but conveniently omits the fact that its Labour Councillors that are being led.

To quote him "We now have a situation where the County Council is overspending on care in the private sector to the tune of over £1 million whilst reporting a £209,000 underspend within the budget set aside for its own care homes."
On whose watch is this happening – none other than Labour Executive Board Member Cllr Pat Jones’ portfolio Health and Social Care..
He has some advice to the leader too. In a letter to Carmarthenshire County Council Independent Leader Meryl Gravell, the Llanelli Assembly Member has requested that better use be made of public care homes. Wonder why he hasn’t sent a copy to the Deputy Leader – Kevin Madge. O yes of course he is Labour.
Just a gentle reminder to you Keith. Out of the nine Executive Board members who run the council three are Labour.  Eleven Labour Councillors were elected at the last County Council elections in 2008, while Plaid’s group has 30 members but no seat in the Cabinet

The press release can be seen at Keith Davies' Press Release

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Webcasting Council Meetings

Carmarthenshire County Councillors in the not too distant future will have to decide whether it webcast its meetings or not.A good place to start it seems to me for those interested in the subject is the Public-i website.
Let me know what you think.The cost is likely to be around £15,000 p.a.

Public-i describes itself thus:

“Public-i is the leading provider of strategies and technologies for engaging people in local democracy. Public-i Events hosts a varying range of content from AGM's and other key announcements, to client user groups and locally run events such as citycamp.
If you click on clients on the home page you will see a list of in the main public bodies many of them but not all do webcast meeting.
Some of the Councils that do are also listed below. It may be of interest to those of you that are keen on the subject to listen in on the Public-i User Group Meeting of the Dec 11, 2011., particularly perhaps from about 2hr 11min where they discuss – “Member’s Use of Social media”

Sample of Council Meetings that webcast

Bristol – Notice that at Cabinet meeting of the 15th Dec members of public are allowed to ask questions to the Cabinet members

Devon & Cornwall Police Authority

Cornwall C C Note allows questions from public

Changes at Prince Philip Not Acceptable

For several months now Plaid Cymru in Llanelli has been very concerned about the future prospects of Prince Philip Hospital and what the anticipated changes could mean to the people of our town. The announcement this week of the intended closure of a 20 bed acute medical ward, with only a two week consultation period has left people flabbergasted.

This is not a medically lead decision.  All the medical consultants within Prince Philip Hospital are unanimous in their opposition to this idea. 

Cllr Gwyneth Thomas said, “When I mentioned this decision to the First Minister Carwyn Jones during his visit to Llanelli on Thursday he looked genuinely surprised that it was happening and said that such a decision could not be made in this way.” 

Clearly due process is not being adhered to. Is this a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?  It doesn’t appear the First Minister is being ably assisted by our AM Keith Davies in this instance either.

Cllr Dyfrig Thomas said, “Increasingly it is becoming more and more of an administrative exercise without taking into account the nature of the area, its population density and its health care needs.

Llanelli has many health problems associated with poverty.  More and more people are living longer.  With stroke and heart attack patients time is of the essence in ensuring successful treatment. The population is also increasing locally as a result of all the property development.  The demand for acute medical care is likely to increase not diminish.”

Already many patients arriving for treatment at Prince Philip Hospital have to spend several hours, often overnight, in the A & E department because there are insufficient medical beds available to meet the demand.  Decisions like these further compromise patient welfare and increase the possibility of the lives of local people being put at risk.